Monday, February 2, 2009

Two month anniversary

Sunday, Feb 1, was Cleo's two month anniversary here. But you know, it's like she's been here forever. She has just fit in so well. I know I say that quite often, but it's true!
Yesterday was a strange day. Cleo had this weird 'thing' about 10:30 in the morning, almost like seizures (I suspected petit mal) lots of foaming at the mouth, smacking, some head bobs/jerking motions, looked at her legs like something was crawling on her. I gave her two antacids. Whatever it was, it lasted about 5-10 minutes. Of course, as soon as I got the camera out to record her - she didn't do anything. maybe a side effect of the Rimadyl or antibiotic? I would have thought I would have seen more if so. Anyway, just weird. Keep your fingers crossed this was an isolated incident. It's on my list to talk to the vet about on Tuesday. Later in the day she seemed fine, but a bit of diarrhea this morning. She got some canned pumpkin with breakfast.


Life With Dogs said...
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Life With Dogs said...

Rimadyl lowers the threshold for seizures. Please talk to your vet, I don't think this can be taken lightly.

I am speaking from first hand experience with this...

Stephanie said...

Thank you - I immediately did a search on Rimadyl, and if she wouldn't have taken her last one that morning, I would have called the vet that day. I appreciate this comment.

Life With Dogs said...

No probs. We lost a Border Collie to seizures, so I became an expert on the subject out of necessity. I hope Cleo fares well, she is lovely :)